لیست مقالات علمی
- T.Kubasova, M.Horvath, K. Kocsis and M.Fenyö: Effect of visible light on some cellular and immune parameters. Immunology and Cell Biology, 1995, 73; 239-244.
- M.Fenyö, J.Mandl and A.Falus: Opposite effect of linearly polarized light on biosynthesis of interleukin-6 in a human B lymphoid cell line and peripheral human monocytes. Cell Biology International, 2002, 26(3); 265-269.
- T.Kubasova, M.Fenyö, Z.Somosy, L.Gazso and I.Kertesz: Investigations on biological effect of polarized light. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 1988, 48; 505-509.
- P.Bolton, M.Dyson and S.Young: The effect of polarized light on the release of growth factors from the U-937 macrophage-like cell line. Laser Therapy, 1992, 2(3); 33-37.
- I.Kertesz, M.Fenyö, E.Mester and G.Bathory: Hypothetical physical model for laser dissimulation. Optics and Laser Technology, 1982, 16; 31-32.
- K.A.Samoilova, K.D.Obolenskaya, A.V.Vologdina, S.A.Snopov and E.V.Shevchenko: Single skin exposure to visible light induces rapid modification of entire circulation blood – 1. Improvement of rheologic and immune parameters. Progress in Biomedical Optics/Proceedings of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems, 1998, IV; 90-103.
- J.E.Roberts: Visible light induces changes in the immune response through an eye-brain mechanism (photoneuroimmunology), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 1995, 29(1); 3-15.
- L.Medenica and M.Lens: The use of polarised polychromatic non-coherent light alone as a therapy for venous leg ulceration. Journal of Wound Care, 2003, 12(1); 37-40.
- S.Monstrey, H.Hoeksema, H.Saelens, K.Depuydt, M.Hamdi, K.Van Landuyt and P.Blondeel: A conservative approach for deep dermal burn wounds using polarised-light therapy. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 55; 420-426.
- P.Iordanou, G.Baltopoulos, M.Giannakopoulou, P.Bellou and E.Ktenas: Effect of polarized light in the healing process of pressure ulcers. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2002, 8(1); 49-55.
- S.Monstrey, H.Hoeksema, K.Depuydt, G.Van Maele, K.Van Landuyt and P.Blondeel: The effect of polarized light on wound healing. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 24(8); 377-382.
- Invited commentary: W.Vanscheidt, The effect of polarized light on wound healing. European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 24(8); 383.
- Colic MM, Vidojkovic N, Jovanovic M, Lazovic G. The use of polarized light in aesthetic surgery. Aesthetic Plast.Surg. 2004;28(5):324-7.
- Tomashuk IP, Tomashuk II. [Clinical efficacy of alprostan in combination with “Bioptron-II” rays and iruxol-miramistin in the treatment of the diabetic foot complicated by atherosclerosis]. Klin.Khir. 2001;(8):49-51.
- Aragona SE, Grassi FR, Nardi G, Lotti J, Mereghetti G, Canavesi E, Equizi E, Puccio AM , Lotti T. Photobiomodulation with polarized light in the treatment of cutaneous and mucosal ulcerative lesions. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2017;31:213-8.
- Białożyt J., Materniak K., Kawecki M. 2018 Use of polarise lighting in support of treatment of pressure ulcers among patients after burns. Preliminary report. Dermatologia Estetyczna. vol.20, 1 (114)
- Bolton P., Dyson M., Young S. The effect of polarized light on the release of growth factors from the U-937 macrophage-like cell line. J-STAGE/ Laser therapy, 1992 – / Volume 4 (1992) Issue 1
- De Melo CA, Alves AN, Terena SM, Fernandes KP, Nunes FD, da Silva Dde F, Bussadori SK, Deana AM, Mesquita-Ferrari RA. Light-emitting diode therapy increases collagen deposition during the repair process of skeletal muscle. Lasers Med Sci. 2016 Apr;31(3):531-8.
- Falus A, M. Fenyo M, Eder K, Madarasi A. Genome-wide gene expression study indicates the anti-inflammatory effect of polarized light in recurrent childhood respiratory disease. Inflamm. Res. (2011) 60: 965.
- Fenyö M., Mandl J., Falus A. Opposite effect of linearly polarized light on biosynthesis of interleukin-6 in a human b lymphoid cell line and peripheral human monocytes. Cell Biology International, 1992 Volume26, Issue 3, P.265-269
- Gasparyan LV, Brill G, Makela AM – Activation of angiogenesis under influence of red low level laser radiation Proceedings Volume 5968, Laser Florence 2005: A Window on the Laser Medicine World; 596806
- Karu TI, Pyatibrat LV, Afanasyev NI. A Novel Mitochondrial Signaling Pathway Activated by Visible-to-near Infrared Radiation Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2004, 80: 366-372
- Karu, Kolyakov SF Exact action spectra for cellular responses relevant to phototherapy. Photomedicine and Laser Therapy, 2005, Volume 23, Number 4, Pp. 355-361
- Kislyi ND (2009) BIOPTRON Light Therapy in Dermatocosmetology. Guideline of the Federal Educational Agency / Russian People’s Friendship University, Moscow 2009
- Kolenko 2017 Light therapy in complex treatment of patiens with herpes zoster. National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, Kiev, Ukraine
- Kubasova T, Horváth M, Kocsis K, Fenyö M. Effect of visible light on some cellular and immune parameters. Immunology and Cell Biology (1995) 73, 239-244
- Lavi R, Shainberg A, Friedmann H, Shneyvays V, Rickover O, Eichler M, Kaplan D, Lubart R. Low energy visible light induces reactive oxygen species generation and stimulates an increase of intracellular calcium concentration in cardiac cells. J Biol Chem. 2003 Oct17;278(42):40917-22.
- Opel D. R., Hagstrom E., Pace A. K., Sisto K., Hirano-Ali S. A., Desai S., & Swan J. (2015). Light-emitting Diodes: A Brief Review and Clinical Experience. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 8, 36–44.
- Papageorgiou P,.Katsambas A, Chu,A Phototherapy with blue (415 nm) and red (660 nm) light in the treatment of acne vulgaris Britisli Journal of Dermatology 2000: 142: 973-978
- Roberts JE. Visible light induced changes in the immune response through an eye-brain mechanism (photoneuroimmunology). J Photochem Photobiol B. 1995 Jul;29(1):3-15.
- Samoilova Ka., Zhevago NA, Menshutina MA, Grigorieva NB Role of Nitric Oxide in the Visible Light-Induced Rapid Increase of Human Skin Microcirculation at the Local and Systemic Level. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2008, Vol. 26, No. 5
- Schindl A, Merwald H,.Schindl L, Kaun ‘C And.Wojta J Direct stimulatory effect of low-intensity 670 nm laser irradiation on human endothelial cell proliferation Britisli Journal of Dermatology 2003; 148: 334-336.
- Young S, Bolton P, Dyson M, Harvey W, Diamantopoulos C. Macrophage responsiveness to light therapy. Lasers Surg Med. 1989;9(5):497-505
- Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A. (2006) Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine content in the human peripheral blood after its transcutaneous and direct (in vitro) irradiation with polychromatic visible and infrared light. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2006. Vol. 24(2). P.129-139.
- Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Calderhead R.G. (2006) Polychromatic light similar to the terrestrial solar spectrum without its UV component stimulates DNA synthesis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. Photochemistry Photobiology. 2006. – Vol. 82(5). – P.1301-1308.
پزشکی ورزشی
- Stasinopoulos D, Stasinopoulos I (2006) Comparison of effects of Cyriax physiother-apy, a supervised exercise programme and polarised polychromatic non-coherent light (Bioptron light) for the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Clinical Rehabilitation 2006; 20: pp 12-23
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- M.F.Ballyzek, V.Vesovic-Potic, X.He, A.Johnston: Efficacy of polarized, polychromatic, non-coherent light in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal neck and shoulder pain. Unpublished material, BIOPTRON AG, Wollerau, Switzerland (2005).
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- Bolton P., Dyson M., Young S. The effect of polarized light on the release of growth factors from the U-937 macrophage-like cell line. J-STAGE/ Laser therapy, 1992 – / Volume 4 (1992) Issue 1
- Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A. (2006) Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine content in the human peripheral blood after its transcutaneous and direct (in vitro) irradiation with polychromatic visible and infrared light. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. – 2006. – Vol. 24(2). – P.129-139.
- Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Calderhead R.G. (2006) Polychromatic light similar to the terrestrial solar spectrum without its UV component stimulates DNA synthesis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. Photochemistry Photobiology. – 2006. – Vol. 82(5). – P.1301-1308.
- Fenyö M., Mandl J., Falus A. Opposite effect of linearly polarized light on biosynthesis of interleukin‐6 in a human b lymphoid cell line and peripheral human monocytes. Cell Biology International, 1992 Volume26, Issue 3, P.265-269
- Gasparyan LV, Brill G, Makela AM – Activation of angiogenesis under influence of red low level laser radiation Proceedings Volume 5968, Laser Florence 2005: A Window on the Laser Medicine World; 596806
- Samoilova Ka., Zhevago NA, Menshutina MA, Grigorieva NB Role of Nitric Oxide in the Visible Light-Induced Rapid Increase of Human Skin Microcirculation at the Local and Systemic Level. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2008, Vol. 26, No. 5
- Karu TI, Pyatibrat LV, Afanasyev NI. A Novel Mitochondrial Signaling Pathway Activated by Visible-to-near Infrared Radiation Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2004, 80: 366-372
- Karu, Kolyakov SF Exact action spectra for cellular responses relevant to phototherapy. Photomedicine and Laser Therapy, 2005, Volume 23, Number 4, Pp. 355-361
- Kubasova T, Horváth M, Kocsis K, Fenyö M. Effect of visible light on some cellular and immune parameters. Immunology and Cell Biology Volume73, Issue3, June 1995, Pages 239-244
- Lavi R, Shainberg A, Friedmann H, Shneyvays V, Rickover O, Eichler M, Kaplan D, Lubart R. Low energy visible light induces reactive oxygen species generation and stimulates an increase of intracellular calcium concentration in cardiac cells. J Biol Chem. 2003 Oct 17;278(42):40917-22.
- Roberts JE. Visible light induced changes in the immune response through an eye-brain mechanism (photoneuroimmunology). J Photochem Photobiol B. 1995 Jul;29(1):3-
- Schindl A, Merwald H,.Schindl L, Kaun ‘C And.Wojta J Direct stimulatory effect of low-intensity 670 nm laser irradiation on human endothelial cell proliferation Britisli Journal of Dermatology 2003; 148: 334-336.
- Young S, Bolton P, Dyson M, Harvey W, Diamantopoulos C. Macrophage responsiveness to light therapy. Lasers Surg Med. 1989;9(5):497-505
- De Melo CA, Alves AN, Terena SM, Fernandes KP, Nunes FD, da Silva Dde F, Bussadori SK, Deana AM, Mesquita-Ferrari RA. Light-emitting diode therapy increases collagen deposition during the repair process of skeletal muscle. Lasers Med Sci. 2016 Apr;31(3):531-8.
- Opel D. R., Hagstrom E., Pace A. K., Sisto K., Hirano‐Ali S. A., Desai S., & Swan J. (2015). Light‐emitting Diodes: A Brief Review and Clinical Experience. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 8, 36–44.
- Colic, M.M., Vidojkovic N , Jovanovic, M., Lazovic, G The Use of Polarized Light in Aesthetic Surgery. Aesth. Plast. Surg. 28:324-327, 2004
- Papageorgiou P,.Katsambas A, Chu,A Phototherapy with blue (415 nm) and red (660 nm) light in the treatment of acne vulgaris Britisli Journal of Dermatology 2000: 142: 973-978
- Kislyi ND (2009) BIOPTRON Light Therapy in Dermatocosmetology. Guideline of the Federal Educational Agency / Russian People’s Friendship University, Moscow 2009.
- Kolenko 2017 Light therapy in complex treatment of patiens with herpes zoster. National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, Kiev, Ukraine